Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Task: Blog on "creative tension". What should individuals and society be challenged about today?

Creative tension is pretty much pointing out the 'elephant in the room'.  We have a certain goal we want to reach, but it's almost unattainable unless change is put in place.  To change anything, it has to be understood first.  One can't just decide to stop being an alcoholic, they have to first understand that they have an underlying issue as to why they were an alcoholic in the first place.  Once that is understood, achieving the goal shouldn't be too difficult.  Although, one has to create tension, some sort of awkward or problem so that people can talk about it.
Realize that change needs to be made and then devise a plan on how to fix it.

Society should be challenged about a lot of things, like peer pressure or something.  Or the way society portrays women as objects rather than as human beings with emotions.
We see celebrities everyday ruining their own lives and who is at fault here?
Mostly them because everyone is responsible for their own actions, but the media/society doesn't help the situation.
They make the celebrities seem so glamorous and amazing, when they're normal people and are tired of the spot light.
No one wants paparazzi following them around 24/7, nor do they want to read slander about themselves the next day.  It's pathetic.  
Then we have young girls who see these celebrities and idolize that life style, as if those celebrities are genuinely happy.
It's sad, it sets a bad example for kids everywhere. Until some people step their game up and stop treating celebrities and people in general like objects, then and only then can there a less messed up society.

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